March 04, 2017

Spinning: A Shared Human Experience Made More Inclusive by GameTime

For centuries humans have incorporated spinning into their lives for various reasons. In some cultures, spinning is part of religious rituals and rites. In others, it is used as a form of dance or artistic expression. For children, it's a fun way to play! 


Researchers have long told us that spinning play is an important developmental activity for children. It contributes to the development of the vestibular system - the parts of the brain that affect balance and coordination. In fact, the vestibular system develops until a child is approximately 15 years old. Until that time, the system can be trained. Spinning play can actually help to enhance a child's sense of balance. For children who seek out sensory input, spinning play can also provide a calming experience. Research continues to uncover rich sensory benefits for children when they engage in spinning activities. 

Because spinning plays such an important role in the life and development of a child, GameTime developed a new spinning activity for children of all abilities - the Sensory Wave Spinning Seat. It features a high back molded seat with arm supports that help to promote a neutral body position while spinning. The seat is at an optimal height for transferring from a mobility device, and it's available with an optional five-point belt kit. 

Learn more about the Sensory Wave Spinning Seat and all of our inclusive play products at, or contact the GameTime representative in your neighborhood.