Take to the Rooftops! (And Maximize a Small Space for Play)
Short on Space? You Can Still Go Big on Play!
When an architect from Abode Communities Architecture was tasked with building a playground in a California housing community located between Sunset and Hollywood Boulevards, space seemed to be the biggest issue. How can you squeeze a playground, intended to keep the kids of Selma Housing happy and active, into the heart of LA's tourist and celebrity haven?
You build it on the roof, obviously. Perched atop the second story of the building, the playground is compact...and packed with play value! It features a zip slide so kids can experience the joy and benefits of motion, a crawl tube so kids can explore and spelunk, a storefront panel for creative and imaginative play -- even roofs to protect from sun and rain.
Tucked between balconies and a community garden, this rooftop playground is surface-mounted and features poured-in-place rubber surfacing.
Our play experts can make any space work, even in areas where playground real estate is as hard to come by as Hollywood.
Working with what you consider a challenging, cramped space? Give our play experts a shout, and we'll provide an evaluation of your space at no charge.