New California Playground Made Possible by GameTime Playground Grant
Thanks to the inspired vision of community leaders, Santa Clara, California, is creating a network of new National Demonstration Site parks and playgrounds. The latest is Homeridge Park, and it's a beautiful example of the community's commitment to incorporating research and best practices in play and recreation spaces.
The new playground was made possible, in part, by matching funds from GameTime.
Earlier this year, the city held a virtual grand opening and ribbon-cutting for this new playground. Watch the video above to learn more, or read the transcript below.
Hi, I'm Mayor Lisa Gilmore, and I'm excited to share with you the virtual ribbon cutting of the Homeridge Park playground in Santa Clara. Years ago, the city council saw the critical need to prioritize the rehabilitation of our neighborhood parks. We adopted a city council pillar to enhance our parks. We know how important our parks are to Santa Clarans.
Here to cut the ribbon for Homeridge park playground is council member Kevin Park representing district 4.
Thank you, Mary Gilmore. I'd like to welcome the community to the rehabilitated Homeridge park playground. The park's original playground was completed in 1962, and playground standards have changed since then. This playground was a metal and wooden playground before being transformed to a forest nature theme.
The city worked with the council, the parks and recreation commission, and the community to create the vision for this wonderful new playground. The city used developmentally appropriate elements of play when designing the playground from the teacup style merry-go-round, sand play table, tandem swings, multiple slides...there's something for everyone.
As you explore the playground, look for animals hidden inside the structures. My favorite is the bear which is a little surprising and unexpected!
This playground was designed for children of all ages and abilities, and we hope the community enjoys this space. It is my honor as a council member of district 4 to cut the ribbon at Homeridge Park playground.
Thank you so much, council member Park for the virtual tour of Homeridge Park. The city would like to thank GameTime for its grant funding for this project, as well as PlayCore for incorporating natural elements into the design. Thank you for joining us virtually, and remember to play it safe, Santa Clara!