May 20, 2019

GameTime and Santa Clara, CA Bring Fitness to the People

Workout While You Wait

Outside the Santa Government Civic Center (Santa Clara, CA) is a THRIVE fitness system. It’s hard to miss. The bold orange colors against the backdrop of the steel and glass building make it an obvious addition to the property. Many people initially thought it was a new type of public art, but County Supervisor Ken Yeager is quick to reveal its true identity.

“This is fitness equipment. It is basically an adult playground, complete with monkey bars,” said Yeager. “It’s not just for county employees; anyone can use and enjoy it.”

THRIVE 450 fitness system installed outside Santa Clara Government Center


Along with the compact THRIVE unit, which packs 10 different workout stations in a 450-square foot space, the county installed many other GameTime fitness products to provide an outdoor exercise option for adult residents. “Even small steps matter,” said Yeager. “If people walk a few steps across the street to do a few reps on the human-powered elliptical trainer or cross walker while they’re waiting for a light-rail train or a bus, it can add up!”

Additional GameTime fitness equipment installed outside the Santa Clara Government Center


This is a prime location for potential users. The fitness areas are visible from the nearby Civic Center and light rail station. Sal Pizarro, writing for the Mercury News, suggested some interesting uses for the new GameTime fitness equipment:

“I can really see the potential here. Applying for a wedding license? Stop by the monkey bars first and kiss in the middle. Waiting for the office to open to pay your property taxes? Work out your frustrations on the leg press.”

GameTime fitness equipment is highly visible across the street from the Santa Clara light rail station


However people decide to use the equipment, it is a testament to the forward-thinking leaders of Santa Clara who are continually focusing on the health and well-being of community families.

If you are interested in adding outdoor fitness equipment outside your municipal building (or at a park, university or anywhere else), contact the GameTime representative in your neighborhood.